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New resource: Learn from the experts
We are thrilled to introduce you to our newest Buckner resource: a podcast library. ...

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Celebrating National Foster Care Month
Each May at Buckner, we celebrate National Foster Care Month. We say “celebrate” on purpose – not because it is a happy occasion when a child...

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National Sibling Day: The importance of a brother and sister
Today is National Sibling Day, and if you have siblings, you know the important role they play in your life. There is not a lot about childhood that...

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Friday photo: Happy Easter
"But God demonstrates his own love toward us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." – Romans 5:8 ...

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Faith drives people to be involved in foster care, adoption
James 1:27 says “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress …” ...

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National Book Month: Transformation begins from the inside
Transformation begins from the inside and manifests itself outwardly. That starts with instilling God’s truth in our lives early on. That knowledge...

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How to become a foster parent
The process of becoming a foster parent might seem daunting-a never-ending season of procedures and paperwork-but Buckner will help you every step of...

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Want to know more about foster care and adoption? Hit the books!
The journey of foster care is one of the most wonderful anyone will take. It can also be extremely difficult. Education is the key to understanding...

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Looking for a fresh start in 2018? Start by volunteering!
For many of us, the turning of the calendar is the perfect time to turn over a new leaf. If you’re looking for a way to jump-start your year,...

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Faith Focus: Treasure in my heart
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. –Luke 2:19 ...

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