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buckner international ministries serves those who need it most
Global reach
Ministry marks 25 years of international work by Buckner International
It took 10 years for the name to change, but only one trip to change Buckner. ...

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running freely
Embracing freedom
A devotion for Independence Day
After reflecting on last summer, I’m feeling extra thankful today. ...

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stream fireworks digitally to maintain social distancing
3 ways to discuss freedom with your children on Independence Day
Fourth of July can be a magical time for a child. Between the picnics, games and fantastic firework displays, there is no shortage of fun and...

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aldine enrichment program
Teens in Houston go on summer adventure
Kids in the summer enrichment program learn about farming at Atkinson Farms
Summer is the time for adventure and fun. Children participating in the Teen Enrichment Summer Program at the Buckner Family Hope Center at Aldine...

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volunteer hugging child
You can be an advocate
We need people like you to help vulnerable families in your community
Advocate (ad-vo-cate); noun; One who pleads the cause of another; one who defends or maintains a cause; one who supports or promotes the interests of...

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spending time with friends can also help you rest
Rest. Reflect. Refocus.
A devotion on self-reflection
Self-reflection and rest are intentional moments in time set aside to slow down the daily hustle and bustle and can help you process and understand...

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holding hands 2
What Juneteenth means to me
The historical importance of making Juneteenth a national holiday
On June 17, 2021, I, along with all of Black America, anxiously awaited to see if President Biden would make monumental history by declaring...

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father and son
5 ways to celebrate dad on Father's Day
Creative ways to show your dad he's the best
We know you want to celebrate your dad. He works hard throughout the year and is committed to your family. ...

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houston astros baseball summer camp
Houston kids participate in Astros baseball clinic
Children from Buckner Family Hope Center programs practiced baseball and softball skills at week-long camp
Summer is here! And while temperatures have risen across Texas, the scorching sun and humidity did not stop the children from Buckner Family Hope...

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Shine the light
An update from Buckner president Albert Reyes
For more than a year, I’ve shared monthly updates about Buckner International. They’ve focused on keeping you informed about our pandemic...

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