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luz teaches esl in longview
Two women teach classes they once attended
Through the Buckner Family Hope Center, two women find confidence in a new country
Blanca and Luz had a lot in common – they both immigrated to America from Mexico, and they were searching for a place to learn English and find a...

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Virtual home build celebrates 10 years of ministry in Rio Grande Valley
WMU builds new homes and hope one nail at a time
For the past nine years, teams from the Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas (WMU) have traveled to the Rio Grande Valley to build a home for a family...

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What is a Family Hope Center?
An innovative model that strengthens families and gives them hope
Children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse, neglect or poverty typically go into the foster care system. ...

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How do you respond to the impossible?
Buckner finds innovative ways to serve, proving that ministry is not impossible during the pandemic.
How do you respond in the face of adversity? ...

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Hope after Winter Storm Uri
Buckner bands with local organizations to care for Texans in need
During the week of Feb. 15, temperatures in Texas dropped significantly due to Winter Storm Uri, causing millions to face life with no electricity,...

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buckner family hope center at bachman lake opens warming center
Warming center at Bachman Lake gives community refuge from frigid conditions
As thousands in Dallas lose power and water, Buckner Family Hope Center offers warm place to stay
A brutal winter storm sweeping throughout Texas has left millions without power or water during historically low temperatures, heavy ice and snow. In...

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valentine s day
Celebrating Valentine’s Day with your children
5 activities to show love to your family
Oftentimes, Valentine’s Day is associated with couples. But the love you have for your family and friends should be celebrated as well. Whether you...

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send senior adults valentine cards
Send Valentine Cards to senior adults
Inspire happiness to residents living in Buckner senior living communities
Valentine’s Day is approaching and you can help bring love and joy to residents who live in Buckner senior living communities with a special...

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reyes jan 2021 update video
2020: It was the best of times and it was the worst of times
A video update from Buckner President Albert Reyes
"It was the best of times. It was the worst of times." I remember hearing those words from Charles Dickens when I was in school. It sounded confusing...

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houston tea grads
Teens learn about future careers through virtual program
The Buckner teen program in Houston helps prepare students for life after high school
Like so many Buckner programs, the Buckner Teen Enrichment Academy (TEA) in Houston moved from an in-person format to an online platform. ...

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