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Available now: The new Buckner app
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The New Year always offers the hope of something different, something new, something good. ...

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walking a path
Justice requires a biblical, stable foundation
Creating an environment of justice
Ricardo Brambila, director of the Buckner Family Hope Center at Bachman Lake, originally wrote this column for the Baptist Standard as part of a...

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new year new surprises
New Year, new surprises
It’s the New Year and we’re just as excited as you are. The New Year always offers the hope of something different, something new, something...

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bill joe at camp buckner
Visit Camp Buckner
Experience a safe and much-needed individual or family vacation
Visiting Camp Buckner is a fun-to-do activity many children, families, student and church groups, and other organizations look forward to every year....

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Give shoes to a child in need
Shoes give children hope
Many of us take our footwear for granted. But for vulnerable children in the United States and around the world, the gift of a pair of shoes is the...

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Single dad finds support in new career
Once homeless and hopeless, Houston man now helps other vulnerable families succeed
Kenneth Horn and his four children moved into New Hope Housing in Houston in January 2019. ...

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Working through a crisis in love
A Christmas message from Buckner President
The season of Advent is the time of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and his impact on the world. We celebrate the peace and hope he brings. ...

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Celebrate and embrace God's gift of peace
An Advent devotion on peace
“‘This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there appeared with the angel a...

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child with present
How are you celebrating Giving Tuesday?
You can help children and families suffering from the pandemic
Today is Giving Tuesday – a day created to specifically celebrate giving, to counter selfishness and to promote the causes that make the world a...

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Hope as a helmet
An Advent devotion on hope
“But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation.” –1...

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