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brenda hernandez valley home build
Buckner receives $5K donation from BBVA
Buckner Rio Grande Valley is the recipient of a $5,000 donation from BBVA to support its work in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. The...

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open door
Looking for a faith-based film to watch as a family?
Find 5 compassion themes in the faith-based film “The Open Door” ...

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 Lillian screenshot
7-year-old shining hope with handcrafted jewelry
Lillian Healey was determined to find a way to help those struggling due to the coronavirus. Just 7 years old, she went to her mother with a plan. ...

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covid leading with hope video
Hope during a pandemic
When COVID-19 required everyone to shelter-in-place, Buckner International did not abandon those we serve. From home offices around the state, staff...

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kneeling in prayer
Kneeling in prayer
Buckner President Albert Reyes reminds readers of a biblical duty to speak against injustice and act to correct it.

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rio grande valley tx certificate 1
Buckner Family Hope Center recognized as ‘Community of Faith and Opportunity’ by USDA
The Buckner Family Hope Center at Peñitas in the Rio Grande Valley has been designated a Community of Faith and Opportunity by the U.S. Department...

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brenda hernandez valley home build
Why collaboration across all levels is critical during the pandemic
This editorial was written by Diego Silva, director of the Buckner Family Hope Center at Peñitas, and originally appeared in The Monitor. Diego also...

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kenneth horn at buckner family hope center ambassadors for christ men s recovery graduation
Buckner Family Hope Center helps single dad realize his dreams
In January 2019, Kenneth Horn (above, left) and his four children moved into New Hope Housing in Houston. They moved to Texas from Pomona,...

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20 05 mexico family care during pandemic
Mexico snapshots: Photos show faces of need, hope
Recently, Buckner Mexico country director Juan Carlos Millan reported his team's efforts to reach families in need during the coronavirus pandemic...

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valley barber shop
Buckner receives $15K pandemic response grant from Wells Fargo
Buckner is the recipient of a $15,000 unrestricted grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation to support its work in the Rio Grande Valley during the...

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