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girl in school
Children, communication and the coronavirus
Editors note: The following article written by Buckner International President and CEO Albert Reyes was originally published by the Baptist Standard....

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adult during virtual meeting
Buckner combats addiction during COVID-19 pandemic with virtual meetings
Buckner Family Hope Centers are designed to engage, equip and elevate families toward success. Their mission is preventative, and in order to truly...

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covid news
Coronavirus FAQ
Due to the changing nature of the coronavirus pandemic, the answers to these questions and others may change at any time. These answers are accurate...

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Support small businesses run by Buckner families
Small local businesses are at the forefront of many minds as the pandemic continues to keep some closed due to social distancing orders. As the trend...

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6 ways to (emotionally) make it through the pandemic
Editors note: An abridged version of the following article written by Dr. Amy Curtis, director of counseling for Buckner International, was...

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Buckner joins Latin American 'Movement' to minister to families during pandemic
Buckner International has joined the Latin American Baptist Union and several other Christian organizations and denominations to minister to families...

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buckner international delivers food to families in need during covid 19 crisis
Changing the method, keeping the service
On April 3, the national unemployment rate reached 12.5% as a result of business closures due to COVID-19, according to the New York Times. Most...

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Help during the crisis: A useful tool to help with anxiety
Today, many of us are working through unusual schedules and experiences. In an effort to minimize the effect of COVID-19, many of us are sheltering...

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longview volunteers deliver food to famlies served by buckner
Longview church volunteers shine hope from a safe distance
During this unprecedented event of social distancing and sheltering in place, many families are facing unemployment and wondering where their next...

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buckner international delivers food to families in need during covid 19 crisis
Buckner Center for Humanitarian Aid distributes aid to families in need during the coronavirus crisis
Supporting families impacted by the coronavirus isn’t slowing down at the Buckner Center for Humanitarian Aid. This week, volunteers began...

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