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Faith Focus: Made in the image of God
Ask anyone about 2-year-old Nayron, and they’ll typically respond in the same way: “He’s the happiest baby in the world.” ...

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National Foster Care Month begins now. See how you can help vulnerable children.
Did you know that 442,995 kids are in foster care in the United States? There are 34,161 kids in foster care in Texas alone. ...

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buckner family pathways heroes
Faith Focus: We all want a superhero ending
After much anticipation, “Avengers: Endgame” captured the world’s attention this weekend, filling theaters and smashing records on the way to...

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Sibling separation in foster care: An impetus for change
Today is National Sibling Day, a day to remember and honor your siblings. But many foster children throughout the country are separated from their...

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Buckner International celebrates 140 years of ministry
Today, Buckner International celebrated 140 years of serving children, strengthening families and inspiring happiness in the lives of seniors. We...

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children in foster care are used to living in uncertainty
Faith Focus: Will you reach out?
It’s never easy going into a new situation. Perhaps no one knows that better than children in the foster care system. They’re suddenly removed...

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boy honduras
Faith Focus: Teach me to craft
Yesterday, my son was trying to teach me how to play Minecraft, the seemingly ubiquitous building video game. He’s played the game off and on for...

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buckner foster care and adoption dallas stapleton family
When God intervenes: Couple’s plan for foster care and adoption derails with significant impact
Foster care and adoption was not an innate calling for Sarah and Jeff Stapleton. They did not go into their marriage assuming they would adopt, but...

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buckner foster care and adoption amarillo snell family
Amarillo couple adopts niece to give her ‘the life she deserves’
Tony and Jeaneau Snell from Amarillo received an early Valentine’s present when they adopted their niece, Nevaeh Wilson on Feb. 4. ...

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robinson chirinos jon mark beilue buckner heart of amarillo
MLB catcher Robinson Chirinos shares about faith, service and baseball at Buckner fundraiser in Amarillo
A full house of nearly 200 people attended the fourth annual Heart of Buckner Amarillo fundraiser at the Amarillo Botanical Gardens. The evening...

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