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Buckner Family Pathways™ in Houston recently launched a mentorship program for single parents in Family Pathways. Family Pathways has always provided support and empowerment for families, but through this new program, there is an extra layer of intentional accountability and encouragement. 

“The goal of this mentorship is to provide an opportunity to both mentors and mentees to participate in a reciprocal and collaborative relationship,” shared Tennie Thompson, director of Family Pathways in Houston. “This relationship will support growth, learning and career development for the participants.”

Over the course of the next six months, the members of the program will check in monthly as a group. Additionally, each mentor and mentee are recommended to connect on their own at least two hours a month. 

“We really encourage weekly contact to provide motivation and encouragement,” Thompson said. “They are able to communicate virtually, by telephone or through face-to-face meetings and activities – it’s all up to their scheduling.”

Throughout the semester, participants will have the opportunity to dive deeper into topics such as healthy relationships, boundaries, parenting, career and networking support and more. This space will be a safe relationship for mentees to set personal and career goals, receive advice on professional development and find their footing when it comes to work-life balance.

“The mentors are really passionate about this opportunity,” Thompson said. “Seeing their commitment to serving the families has been encouraging to me.”

The benefits aren’t just for the mentees. Mentors can gain increased self-confidence, leadership and communication skills, exposure to new perspectives and more through this experience. 

If you’re interested in providing guidance to our Family Pathways families in Houston, please reach out to Tennie Thompson at tthompson@buckner.org. to become a mentor.

See how single parents are overcoming barriers and providing for their families. 

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