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Buckner International celebrates 140 years of ministry
Today, Buckner International celebrated 140 years of serving children, strengthening families and inspiring happiness in the lives of seniors. We...

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Buckner Kenya: Family is the cornerstone of what we do
Buckner Kenya began by serving 30 children. Now, it encompasses multiple efforts across the nation that serve thousands by protecting children and...

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Artistic Freedom
The room is smaller than your closet. Three men work quietly as their hands slowly and carefully pull apart banana leaves, gently tearing each leaf...

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Buckner leading the way for adoption in Kenya
Pauline Njonge remembers the embarrassment her mother felt the first time Pauline visited with her own daughter, Samantha. It’s a painful memory...

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Through the fire: Kenyan orphan finds hope through Buckner International
Samwel Meraba has a slight scar on the left side of his head. It’s a constant reminder of the fire he escaped as a small boy – a fire that took...

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Faith Focus: Treasure in my heart
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. –Luke 2:19 ...

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Faith Focus: Cel-e-brate good times, come on!
The first full week of June is upon us. That means graduations and graduation parties. ...

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Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls® thanks you!
Have you ever donated a pair of shoes to Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls®? Because of your help, more than three million pairs of new shoes have...

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Make 2017 count: How you can help vulnerable children and families this year
Everyone wants his or her life to matter. We want our actions to impact others positively and leave a lasting legacy. The start of a new year is the...

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Send greetings to friends, hope to vulnerable families this Christmas
This Christmas, sending a Christmas card can do more than bring greetings to your friends and family – it can make a difference in lives on the...

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