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show mom you care on mother s day
5 ways to celebrate your mom on Mother’s Day
Creative ways to show mom she’s the best
Moms are priceless and we appreciate and value all the mothers who care for children at their most vulnerable. ...

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April is National Volunteer Month and we celebrate you!
Thank you volunteers for making a difference
COVID-19 brought many challenges, but that didn’t stop Buckner volunteers from continuing to connect and work with families in Buckner programs. ...

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christy haston
Support foster children in Buckner campus safe homes across Texas
Help provide basic necessities for children in need
Buckner campus homes across Texas have been approved to be used by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services as safe homes for foster...

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Extraordinary work in an extraordinary year
With your help, families received hope and aid during a difficult year
We haven't had a lot to celebrate over the past year, but with your help, Buckner has been able to do extraordinary work during an extraordinary...

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foster homes needed for children in need
Children currently sleeping in CPS offices find housing at Buckner
Recent lack of placement options highlights the growing Texas foster care crisis and need for more licensed families
News outlets across Texas brandished March 2021 headlines about the foster care crisis. At the time, it was reported 186 kids across the state were...

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luz teaches esl in longview
Two women teach classes they once attended
Through the Buckner Family Hope Center, two women find confidence in a new country
Blanca and Luz had a lot in common – they both immigrated to America from Mexico, and they were searching for a place to learn English and find a...

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What is a Family Hope Center?
An innovative model that strengthens families and gives them hope
Children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse, neglect or poverty typically go into the foster care system. ...

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How do you respond to the impossible?
Buckner finds innovative ways to serve, proving that ministry is not impossible during the pandemic.
How do you respond in the face of adversity? ...

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texas motor speedway 2019
Michael McDowell, an adopted dad’s path to Daytona 500 victory
Faith and determination gave NASCAR driver courage to win
During National Adoption Month in 2019, Buckner had the opportunity to take some families to Texas Motor Speedway to meet driver Michael McDowell of...

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valentine s day
Celebrating Valentine’s Day with your children
5 activities to show love to your family
Oftentimes, Valentine’s Day is associated with couples. But the love you have for your family and friends should be celebrated as well. Whether you...

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