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seniors agree with social distancing measures
Buckner Retirement Services residents weigh in on pandemic impact
According to a recent survey conducted by Buckner Retirement Services, 96% of senior living residents agree with social distancing and visitation...

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family and friends supported seniors during car parades
Car parade boosts senior adults' spirits
After weeks of sheltering in place and practicing social distancing measures, most people are ready for some person-to-person interaction. No more so...

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covid news
Coronavirus FAQ
Due to the changing nature of the coronavirus pandemic, the answers to these questions and others may change at any time. These answers are accurate...

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6 ways to (emotionally) make it through the pandemic
Editors note: An abridged version of the following article written by Dr. Amy Curtis, director of counseling for Buckner International, was...

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longview volunteers deliver food to famlies served by buckner
Longview church volunteers shine hope from a safe distance
During this unprecedented event of social distancing and sheltering in place, many families are facing unemployment and wondering where their next...

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Coronavirus: Buckner Family Hope Centers close, but services to continue
Buckner leaders announced March 18 that all Family Hope Centers would close their on-site facilities for two weeks, but will continue to deliver many...

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senior living communities promote stronger marriages
How senior living communities nurture stronger marriages
There is a common misconception that senior living communities are where senior adults move when they have no one left and no other options, but that...

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Buckner president celebrates 10 years of hope
Ten years ago, Dr. Albert L. Reyes was elected the sixth president of Buckner International. His leadership helps guide the vision and mission to...

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Buckner president delivers keynote speech of hope to Longview Chamber of Commerce
Buckner President and CEO Albert Reyes gave a keynote speech on the themes of hope, community strength and service to nearly 700 people at the 2020...

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jesse chavez autographs a softball for a young fan
Ranger pitchers bring smiles and fun to Buckner Family Hope Center
Young Ranger fans from the Buckner Family Hope Center in Longview, Texas, were thrilled to meet some of their baseball heroes when Texas Ranger...

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