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coach goes barefoot to highlight need of shoes for children
Pine Tree high school baseball coach goes barefoot to highlight need for footwear for children
When Trevor Petersen urged his team to take the field Friday night, he did it a little more carefully than normal. ...

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children balance on ropes course
Helping single mothers is about more than helping single mothers
Being a single parent is difficult. It's a 24-7 job that relies on one person to be mom, dad, provider, counselor, disciplinarian and more all in...

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national sibling day 1
Sibling separation in foster care: An impetus for change
Today is National Sibling Day, a day to remember and honor your siblings. But many foster children throughout the country are separated from their...

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volunteers give of themselves selflessly to help families in need
Volunteering can bring a happy moment to struggling families in need
This week is National Volunteer Week, an opportunity to celebrate the impact of volunteer service and highlight the volunteers who give of themselves...

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Buckner International celebrates 140 years of ministry
Today, Buckner International celebrated 140 years of serving children, strengthening families and inspiring happiness in the lives of seniors. We...

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residents at buckner westminster place write letters to their elementary grade pen pals
Love by the letter
Handwritten letters are a scarce form of communication in an age of instant connection at the touch of a button. But for residents of Buckner...

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longview firefighters
Firefighters who saved baby are there for her again on adoption day
In Oct. 2016, Longview firefighters responded to call from a woman who was experiencing abdominal pains. ...

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2019 rangers caravan jeffery springs and chris martin
Friday photo: Texas Rangers visit Buckner ministries in Longview
This week, the Texas Rangers winter caravan visited the Buckner Family Hope Center in Longview. Rangers players Chris Martin and Jeffery Springs...

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How to encourage your children to read for National Reading Day
January 23 is National Reading Day, one of numerous awareness days designated to highlight the importance of education – and since education is an...

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mexico shoes
Faith Focus: Will you go today?
Undoubtedly all of us are familiar with the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20: “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and...

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