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faith focus buckner retirement services helping hands
Faith Focus: I don't believe we've met
Just after Christmas, I met someone for the first time. Well, that’s not exactly correct. I’ve known this person my entire life. I’ve spent...

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What is hope?
What is hope? Through Buckner International in 2018, it's children embracing forever families through foster care and adoption. It's families...

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The possibility of hope
One of greatest joys of the year is to wish you a merry Christmas on Christmas Day. Throughout this series of Christmas devotions, we have sought to...

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Advent week 4: Sing with joy to all the world
“Celebrate God all day, every day, I mean, revel in him!” – Philippians 4:4 (The Message) ...

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Thank you for making Christmas merry for all
This time of year, it’s common to wish people a “merry Christmas.” But for many of the families Buckner International serves through our Family...

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Single mom in Buckner Family Pathways takes another step in making her dreams come true
In April, we shared Marissa’s story. By then the single mother already had come so far. She first came to Buckner through our Project HOPES...

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Advent week 3: Let go ... and love
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” – 1 Peter 4:8 (NIV) ...

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Longview company donates more than $30,000 in toys for local vulnerable children
This Christmas will be quite a bit brighter for vulnerable children in East Texas thanks to employees at Applied Consultants who purchased more than...

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Advent week 2: Searching for my father
“These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome...

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Advent week 1: The wish list
I was saddened recently to hear the news that the 125-year-old iconic company, Sears, has filed for bankruptcy. I have fond memories of getting the...

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