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assisted living 1
Benefits of moving into assisted living
Transitioning to assisted living can be a challenge, but we're here to support you
Deciding where to spend retirement years shouldn't be taken lightly. Moving to a senior living community is an excellent option for many seniors. A...

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Help these Waiting Texas Children find forever homes through adoption
In Texas, more than 1,000 youth age out of foster care each year
For the past 25 years, the United States has honored the month of November as National Adoption Month. This is a time many adoptive families, adopted...

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christmas opps in texas
Impact a life this Christmas
Volunteer opportunities across Texas
The holiday season can bring joy, excitement and special time with loved ones. But for some vulnerable families, the Christmas season can remind them...

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dallas graduates
Three Buckner Family Pathways™ graduates embark on new adventures
Dallas staff and friends gathered to celebrate
On Nov. 11, Buckner staff, volunteers, community members and former Buckner Family Pathways™ alumni gathered to celebrate three new graduates from...

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veterans day
Honoring those who have served
Ways to honor a veteran this Veterans Day
Veterans Day is a special day to honor and celebrate military veterans who have served across the United States Armed Forces and protected our...

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Meet Ja'Niya: A teen about to age out of the foster care system
There are more than 7,000 children waiting to be adopted in Texas
Ja’Niya is 17 years old. Soon, she will age out of the foster care system if she is not adopted. ...

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combating loneliness
3 ways seniors can combat loneliness
Plug into lifestyle programs available at all six Buckner senior living communities
Unfortunately, senior isolation and loneliness are relatively common. Millions of seniors struggle to get the social activity they need to maintain...

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buckner family pathways helped karlee beat addiction and become a better mother
Buckner Family Pathways™ mom selected for advisory board through Aspen Institute
One of 11 student parents in the nation who will help shape higher education policy and practice for student parents
Karlee Knuth, a single mom from Longview currently enrolled in Buckner Family Pathways™, was selected to serve on a prestigious national advisory...

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Buckner International collaborates with Olive Crest's Child Abuse Prevention Network and Mission Foods to benefit vulnerable children
Aligning to serve abused, neglected children
Buckner International loves aligning with other nonprofit organizations that share our mission to serve vulnerable children and families. Buckner...

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Learning the meaning of love
Buckner Family Pathways™ graduate now shows other women they are loved
Connie is a graduate of Buckner Family Pathways™. While in the program, she gained important life skills such as maintaining a clean, safe home for...

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