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comforting each other
What can we do after a traumatic event?
The responses trauma can trigger and ways to process after a traumatic event
Anxiety. Anger. Sadness. Numbness. Confusion. ...

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holding hands and praying
Reaching for hope
Praying for the children and families of Robb Elementary in Uvalde
Buckner President and CEO, Albert Reyes, reflects on how we can help find comfort, hope and deliverance of pain after horrific events, like the...

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a tree firmly rooted
Being rooted in Christ
A devotion about finding your identity in Jesus
When I was a kid, I wanted nothing more than to be a professional baseball player. Whether it was watching the Texas Rangers or playing in various...

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Bravely stepping into foster care
'I'm so grateful that I said yes'
Rob and Emily Holloway felt called to adopt. But when they learned about the huge need in foster care they knew they had to do something. ...

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faith and family night at texas rangers stadium
A day at the ballpark
Families and senior adults participate in Faith and Family Day at Rangers game
It was a fun-filled day at the ballpark on Sunday during Faith and Family Day at Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas. Buckner families and senior...

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Are random acts of kindness really random?
A devotion on kindness
The Bible tells the story of Jesus standing in front of crowd of people and choosing one man sitting in a tree to dine with. Another story describes...

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10 years of reflection
Albert Reyes reflects on his 10 years of services as Buckner International president and CEO
Dr. Albert Reyes has been president and CEO of Buckner International for the last 10 years. In this video, he reflects on that time serving as...

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Aging out of foster care: Abigail's story
Abigail Leal is a Buckner FYi Center client, and she shares her story of aging out of the foster care system, and what it means to help show other...

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Today is National Day of Prayer
Prayer is one of our most powerful connections with God
When his friends decided to write a book about R.C. Buckner, they titled it R.C. Buckner’s Life of Faith and Works. That’s such a fitting title...

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footprints in the sand
A spark of faith
A devotion about trusting God
When I was young, I wanted to be somebody wise, successful and kind. I wanted to change the world for the better. My grandfather’s unyielding...

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