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The fact that most foster parents quit within the first year due to a lack of support is a troubling idea to Chelsea Nemati. She and her husband, Sam, were licensed to provide care just less than 12 months ago.

"We don't want that to be our story," Chelsea said.

The young couple don't have any local family they can call for help with their second placement, an 8-month-old girl – and they also have a lively 5-year-old biological daughter, Eden. Even without parents nearby, the Nematis aren't short on support. There's a steady stream of warm casseroles and boxes of diapers delivered to their door. 

The Nematis are members of New Beginnings Baptist Church, which began a foster care and adoption ministry in early 2023. Since then, New Beginnings has helped bridge that gap for the Nematis and dozens of other foster and adoptive families in East Texas.

Photography by Camryn Hornbrook with New Beginnings Baptist Church.

Continue reading the Nematis' story and learn how your church can help too.

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