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'Hope shines here'
An Advent devotion
This devotion appears in the 2021 Buckner Advent Guide, containing devotions and fun activities to celebrate the Advent season. Get your free digital...

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Happy Thanksgiving from Buckner International
Reflecting on the season of gratitude
I love Thanksgiving. The weather has usually changed enough by Thanksgiving that we know fall has arrived and there is a crispness in the air. So, it...

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copeland family adopted five siblings through foster care
A dream family
Becoming a family of eight was challenging, but everything the Copelands dreamed about
The Copeland family home feels like a movie. Six children are laughing together with joy. Some of them are playing in the backyard on the trampoline...

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Thank you, Veterans!
Honoring those who live in Buckner communities who served our nation through the Armed Forces
At Buckner we have the opportunity and privilege of serving many men and women who have worn one of the uniforms of our armed services and we...

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Behind the adoption curtain
It's National Adoption Month: Learn what adoption looks like for children and families
Adoption is beautiful. Adoption is also incredibly difficult. It’s a miracle that stems from loss. God never intended for families to be broken or...

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2021 buckner advent guide
The 2021 Buckner Advent Guide is here!
A free guide with devotions and activities for your family
Do you remember waking up each morning and rushing to your Advent calendar to look behind the door and see what surprise awaited you there? Remember...

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Get to your end-of-year goal line and keep the faith
An update from Buckner President Albert Reyes
If you feel 2021’s been the same kind of year 2020 was, you’re not alone. I’m right there with you. It’s almost like 2020 liked what it was...

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bt online now fall21
Get the newest issue of Buckner Today
Read encouraging stories of hope
This year, we are celebrating many milestones for Buckner – one of those being 50 years of ministry in the Rio Grande Valley. This issue of Buckner...

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a glorious sunrise
A glory unique
A devotion on the glory of Christ
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the concept of glory. The Bible teaches that Christians are uniquely glorious, because we possess the glory...

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joint agreement will help foster youth who age out
New joint agreement will support youth aging out of foster care
The joint effort will seek to provide services to prevent youth from experiencing homelessness, incarceration or poverty
Buckner Children and Family Services and Georgia-based Connections Homes signed a joint agreement today to provide a more extensive support network...

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