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you are not alone in having covid reentry anxiety
Having COVID re-entry anxiety?
Tips to help reduce feelings of anxiety as we shift back to our lives and offices
Amy Curtis, senior director of counseling for Buckner Children and Family Services, wrote this article for the Baptist News Global. She explains how...

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a fortress of security
Take another look
A devotion on God's protection
Do you often feel like you are being ambushed? Do the challenges of life sometimes leave you feeling overwhelmed and fearful of things to come? What...

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Get to know Buckner President
Q&A with Buckner President and CEO Albert Reyes
Want to know if Buckner President Albert Reyes is a night owl or morning bird? ...

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having a community helps when grieving
What grief has taught me
Lessons to help you while on a grief journey
It can be difficult to talk about grief, and often it’s hard to know what to say to someone who has lost a loved one. Often times, in fear of...

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will you say yes
Will you say yes or no?
A devotion about being obedient to God
At different times in my life, I have heard from God about something he wanted me to do. Sometimes I was obedient and did as he asked and sometimes...

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You bring hope to those that need it most
Buckner International is an international ministry that transforms the lives of vulnerable children, enriches the lives of senior adults, and builds...

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buckner international ministries serves those who need it most
Global reach
Ministry marks 25 years of international work by Buckner International
It took 10 years for the name to change, but only one trip to change Buckner. ...

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running freely
Embracing freedom
A devotion for Independence Day
After reflecting on last summer, I’m feeling extra thankful today. ...

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stream fireworks digitally to maintain social distancing
3 ways to discuss freedom with your children on Independence Day
Fourth of July can be a magical time for a child. Between the picnics, games and fantastic firework displays, there is no shortage of fun and...

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volunteers from moody radio participate on a buckner shoes for orphan souls shoe trip
5 ways to get the most out of volunteering
Use your unique skills to help families and children in need
You want to give back to your community and at the same time learn and grow from the experience. But how do you know your experience will be...

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