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2020 hurricane laura
Hurricane Laura prompts evacuation of Buckner clients and staff in Beaumont
Buckner International-affiliated staff, children, families and senior adults served in the Beaumont, Texas, area have evacuated following a mandatory...

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buckner distributes aid during covid 19 pandemic
Buckner surpasses 100 tons of domestic aid during pandemic
During the global pandemic, Buckner International has collected and distributed more than 100 tons of domestic aid product, including food, PPE and...

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Hope in action
While many volunteer activities have been put on hold to observe COVID-19 social distancing measures, many volunteers have come up with innovative...

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only god can provide total rest during uncertain times
What is the new normal?
What is the new normal? And how do we go back to the old normal? I feel like that is what everyone is talking about these days. But everyone’s...

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Buckner trustees approve new mission statement for Buckner International
In July, Buckner trustees approved a new mission statement for Buckner International – what we call the purpose of the organization. It’s short...

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serenity of river and forests
How to handle fear in the classroom during a pandemic
Tim Whiting is an educator for a large North Texas school district. He also has served as a school administrator. In this article, Tim processes how...

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find time to rest in god
Are you finding time to rest in God?
I recently took my first vacation in over a year. Thanks to the pandemic, I had no agenda and no plans, just a rare opportunity to rest. At first I...

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summer bt digital version cover graphic 5
The latest Buckner Today available online now
The latest Buckner Today might look a little different than you’re used to seeing, but you will still find stories of hope and encouragement from...

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Buckner Counseling Services and The Center for Integrative Counseling and Psychology provides support in the comfort of families' homes
As the orders to stay sheltered at home and to social distance have continued for weeks, the services Buckner offers continue adapting to meet the...

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What are you doing to develop your relationship with God during the pandemic?
What is a wage? As a CPA, my response to this question would probably be comparable to what you would find in Merriam-Webster if you looked it up:...

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