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buckner mlb christmas party
Buckner programs celebrate Christmas
Families and children in Buckner programs across the state got in the Christmas spirit and celebrated the holiday with food, games and a whole bunch...

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father son buckner foster care and adoption
More Texas children now leaving foster care than entering
For the first time ever, more children are leaving foster care for safe, permanent homes than are entering the child welfare system, according to...

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family christmas decorating
5 ways to create Christmas family memories
The Christmas season is such a magical time, but even more so if you have little ones to celebrate the holiday with. Soon, children will be on...

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cbs dfw ones for texas video
On Giving Tuesday celebrate 140 years of transforming lives
“This is 2019 and I think what the world needs now is hope,” explained Dr. Albert Reyes, President and CEO of Buckner International, during an...

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Shine hope this Christmas
While you're out catching all the Black Friday deals today, pick something up for a family Buckner serves. ...

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2019 advent guide
The 2019 Buckner Advent Guide is here!
The greatest gift we can give our family is our legacy – who we are. And what better time to pass on traditions and be together as a family than...

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the baskins consider foster care and adoption a response to scriptural mandate
Faith Fosters Texas: Texas Baptists focus on fixing an ailing system
Many families today are noticing the great need throughout the foster care and adoption system. According to the Texas Department of Family and...

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ballooons national adoption month support baby shower
7 tips to host a support shower for adoptive families
Baby showers. The mention of such an event typically generates happy emotions because the birth of a child is definitely something to be celebrated....

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Today is Orphan Sunday: How can you help?
In Texas, there are currently 7,788 children waiting to be adopted and 34,161 children living in foster care, with many more who have been removed...

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brenda was able to succeed with buckner fyi
Buckner FYi Center: 'They just helped me in so many ways'
Brenda entered the foster care system at 17. Her home life had gotten to the point that she decided she was better off elsewhere and moved in with...

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