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Advent week 1: The wish list
I was saddened recently to hear the news that the 125-year-old iconic company, Sears, has filed for bankruptcy. I have fond memories of getting the...

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Three siblings find forever home after being in kinship care for over two years
November is National Adoption Month and throughout the month we have been highlighting some ways you can help foster and adoptive parents. Because...

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Today is Giving Tuesday. See how you can help!
Today is a big day for us at Buckner. Today, millions of Americans will donate generously to the causes they hold most dear on the eighth annual...

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Faith Focus: Is the world just too busy?
The other night, I was walking through a poorly-lit part of a town I didn’t know well. My youngest son and I were on our way to help my in-laws...

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Thankful for you
The definition of thanksgiving is the expression of gratitude, especially to God. At Buckner, Thanksgiving is a divine reminder of how many...

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The digital 2018 Buckner Advent Devotional Guide is here! Get yours today!
Faith is the tie that binds us. Regardless of our backgrounds, life stories or differences, it’s our faith in Jesus Christ as Savior that binds us...

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Faith Focus: We're in a crisis. How should we respond?
Make no mistake, we are in the middle of a crisis. There are 111,820 children in the United States waiting to be adopted. There are nearly 30,000...

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Get uncomfortable on Orphan Sunday
Orphan Sunday is a time to rally together to care for the lonely, particularly those who are lonely because of circumstances beyond their control....

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Faith Focus: With all your heart, soul and mind
Thom had a problem. His son was being teased because of his weight. He couldn’t force the bullies to stop, so he took a different approach: Build...

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These fall festivals bring all the treats with no tricks
Around the state, Buckner ministries have been treating children to festive fall festivals. Dressed up as their favorite superhero, character or...

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