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Let’s go back to school
Going back to school can be an anxious time for students. They’re faced with new teachers, new schedules and maybe even new friends. ...

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fhc houston backpack
Faith Focus: 'Twas the night before school begins
Shannon* first met Tim* during the second semester of first grade. It was the first time Tim had ever gone to school, and Shannon was trying to help...

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Maneuvering the public education system for your foster children
Children who come into your care as foster children always come to you with some sort of trauma. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be in the need of a safe...

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hagler family midland
Faith Focus: Home
If you’ve ever taken a trip for a significant period of time, you know how good it feels to come home. The bed feels perfect. Everything is right...

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shoe need
Why are shoe drives so important?
Hosting a shoe drive is a fun, meaningful way to serve those in need. Individual personalities shine through as donors make sure the shoes are special...

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Faith Focus: 'We changed the trajectory of his life'
Andi Harrison is director of Buckner foster care and adoption in North Texas. She’s also a foster parent. When her first foster child was placed...

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cynthia rentie
Faith Focus: Sitting on the precipice of something new
In an office near the front of the Buckner Children and Family Services campus in Longview, Texas, Buckner Family Coach Courtney Barr visits with a...

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midland foster care case worker
'I'd like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free'
On Dec. 1, 1955, Rosa Parks boarded a largely empty bus in Montgomery, Ala. after a long day at work as a seamstress. She walked by several rows of...

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pathways longview movein
Sad math: Lower incomes plus higher costs lead to struggling single mothers
It’s easy to read gaudy headlines about individuals abusing government assistance programs and assume the worst about every person who is receiving...

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If you have not volunteered to serve children and families in need, here’s what you’re missing
Many of us want to volunteer to help someone else but many times we don’t know how or where to start. Soon, our motivation dwindles and we settle...

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