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girl shoes mexico
5 tips for a successful shoe drive
After signing up to host a shoe drive through Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls®, we always receive one question back: How do I make this shoe drive...

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Number of children sleeping in CPS offices spiked in March
Last week, The Dallas Morning News reported that the number of children sleeping in Texas Child Protective Services' offices doubled in the month of...

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Thank you for helping Guatemalan children go to school
In the whirlwind of humanitarian aid, it usually feels like we’re moving from one crisis to another. Sometimes the need seems so dire, and we race...

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bed boss donation
Friday photo: Bed Boss donates 1,000 mattresses to Buckner
This week Buckner International received a donation of 1,000 mattresses from Bed Boss that will be sent to vulnerable children and families in...

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2017 spring break valley house build
Buckner Spring Break house build blitz set to radically transform lives of seven families in one week
This week, teams from across the state are striving to build more homes simultaneously than Buckner International has ever attempted during Spring...

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The biblical call to become a foster parent
The most commonly quoted Bible verse regarding foster care and adoption is James 1:27: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is...

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Give shoes. Send a child to school.
Research has shown time and again that education changes lives. It’s one of the keys for families trying to pull themselves out of poverty. School...

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Volunteers change lives through Buckner International
Volunteers have always been at the heart of Buckner International’s efforts to protect children, strengthen families and serve seniors, and you...

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Finding hope in the midst of the mess
Maria Luisa Morales was hopeless. Her family of six was living in complete disarray in a small trailer. Her children were fighting with each other and...

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Change a life: Volunteer at Buckner Family Camp
Throughout the year Buckner foster parents pour themselves into the lives of children. They give their time, energy and resources to minister to...

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