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The importance of relationships in Buckner senior living communities
Buckner senior living communities include more than the residents who make their home there. It also includes the associates who work there and the...

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Buckner Project HOPES receives national recognition as a Blue Ribbon Affiliate
Buckner Project HOPES in Longview earned a prestigious endorsement from the Parents as Teachers National Center, Inc., (PATNC) as a Blue Ribbon...

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Leading with hope: Buckner president shares stories of perseverance and hope during COVID-19
Buckner President and CEO Albert Reyes shares an update on how Buckner staff are pulling together, both domestically and internationally, to serve...

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Talking to adopted persons about birth families and adoption paperwork
Natasha was adopted internationally when she was 12 years old. She shares her personal perspective as an adult adopted person on access to adoption...

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An adult adopted person's perspective on transracial adoption
Kitty experienced international adoption as a child. Now an adult, she shares her feelings on being raised in a transracial family in America. ...

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Justice looks like the kingdom of God
Dr. Albert Reyes, Buckner president and CEO, originally wrote this column for the Baptist Standard as part of a special series "Justice looks like...

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What is adoption gaslighting?
Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker is a licensed psychologist with professional training in Theraplay, TBRI and EMDR. She is also an international-adopted...

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When is it OK to share an adopted person's private story?
When and with whom is it appropriate to share private information about an adopted child’s story? Shannon Cerise, LCSW and Buckner contract...

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No two adoptions are the same: An adult adopted person's perspective on the sensitivities associated with adoption
Natasha was adopted internationally as a child. Now an adult, she shares her personal perspective on the sensitivities adoptees can feel when asked...

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Celebrating adult adopted persons
November is National Adoption Month. During this month we typically focus on children who need the love and safety of a family through foster care or...

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